Pre-paid electric card system.

*Electricity usage .The pitch supply is 10amp.

Pre-paid Electric card system
We believe this is the fairest way of charging for electric use.  The price per unit, will be in your welcome pack letter. We will charge you, what our supplier charges us, and it will include VAT and standing charges.

Using software in reception, credit is loaded onto a reusable card and transferred to the meter via contactless RFID technology.

On arrival.

  • You will receive a pre-paid electric card in your welcome pack.
  • We would have pre-loaded it with credit at £2pn. Therefore if you are staying for 5 nights you will have £10 credit, if you stay for 14 nights £28 etc (Non Refundable, unused credit donated to Wales Air Ambulance)
  • Plug in, push the black switch up.
  • Place the card against the display screen on the bollard, and the display will show your credit.
  • You can now use the electricity.
  • If you wish to have additional credit, call down to reception, and we can credit the card for you, any £5 increments, then take this to the bollard, and the credit will be transferred to the pillar. Our reception is open 9.30am till 6pm, please ensure you have enough credit to last the night.
  • *Tip* if you don’t want to check your bollard every day, put enough credit on to last your stay.

When you leave

  • When you are ready, unhitch the power.
  • Place the card against the bollard.
  • The remaining credit £ will be transferred back to the card.
  • Bring this card back down to us in reception before you leave, and we will refund you the amount you have not used to the nearest pound,
  • The totals less than a whole pound will be donated to the Wales Air Ambulance. We will be totaling the donation up in November 2024