Check availability & Book now

Below  is our availability / booking chart.


Call us between  9.30am and 6pm on 01554 820420 (To make a telephone booking takes roughly 5 – 7 min)

Cancellation Policy – We are a very small, independent park, we do have to impose some terms and conditions for bookings. A non-refundable or transferable deposits (50%)  or payment is required to reserve your pitch.

If you need to cancel your booking please do not ask us, for a refund or to transfer your payments,   We therefore highly recommend that you take some form of  cancellation plan or  travel insurance on the day you book.   

The remainder balance of your payment is due 7 days before arrival, this is also non-refundable or transferable.  You will receive an email  seven days before your arrival to remind you, please use the link in this email to pay any outstanding balance for your stay.

Arrival and Departure Times – Our standard arrival time is between 2pm and 6pm and departures are by 12 noon. We are happy where possible to accommodate early arrivals and late departures BY PRIOR ARRANGEMENT  ONLY – Please call us, or leave a note when booking on line.

Late departure  is not pre-bookable and is only available on the day of departure, and if the pitch is not booked, it allows you to stay from 12pm up to 7pm and costs £1.50 per hour for any touring pitch – this is only available on the last day of your stay, and if the pitch is available.
Early arrival – If you wish to arrive before 12pm, this MUST be agreed before arrival an additional charge of £1.50 per hour will be added.

Minimum Stay for 2025  is currently set at  3 nights. If you wish to stay any less please call us, and we will see if we can fit you in between other bookings.

Select a pitch –  It is now possible to select a pitch for an additional extra fee you can guarantee your pitch – minimum stay 6 nights  for more information see your Select a pitch page

Terms and Conditions – Davies and Jones family wish to extend a warm and friendly welcome to all visitors who are staying on our small quiet family run park. We want everyone to enjoy the peace and tranquility of the countryside, Please ensure that you read our Terms and Conditions before you book, CLICK HERE.